Zaihui Stainless Hlau Khoom Co., Ltd.
yog nyob rau hauv stainless hlau ntau lawm puag - Foshan City, Guangdong xeev.Nws yog ib tug loj-scale private enterprise.Founded hauv 2007, tag nrho cov peev nyiaj ntau tshaj 200 lab yuan.Npog 46,000 square meters, muaj ntau tshaj 130 cov kab ntau lawm, ntiav ntau tshaj 1,000 tus neeg ua haujlwm nrog 100,000 tons txhua xyoo muaj peev xwm.
Lub tuam txhab tsuas yog tsim cov kav hlau stainless puag ncig, cov kav dej square, cov kav dej muaj, cov kav dej embossed, cov kav dej, cov kav dej tshwj xeeb, cov kav hlau tsis muaj steel coil thiab cov ntawv hlau stainless, siv cov khoom zoo stainless hlau coils ua raw khoom, thiab cov khoom muag muag zoo. nyob rau hauv ntau lub xeev thiab autonomous cheeb tsam nyob rau hauv Tuam Tshoj, thiab exported rau Western Europe, South America, Africa, Middle East thiab Southeast Asia thiab lwm lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam, dav siv nyob rau hauv ntau yam lub tsev qhov rooj thiab qhov rais kho kom zoo nkauj, raws li zoo raws li choj, txoj kev loj, ntaiv , cov chaw teeb pom kev zoo, cov ntawv loj loj, thiab lwm yam.
Lub tuam txhab muaj cov cuab yeej tsim khoom thoob ntiaj teb thiab cov cuab yeej ntsuas, muaj zog peev thiab kev siv zog, cov kws tshaj lij thev naus laus zis thiab kev tswj hwm zoo.Txhua yam ntawm peb cov khoom yog tsim nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws tus qauv GB, American standard ASTM / ASME, Japanese standard JIS, German standard DIN, thiab qhov zoo yog ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha.
Lub tuam txhab ua raws li kev lag luam lub tswv yim ntawm "tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim cov yeeb nkab zoo", ua raws cov kev pabcuam lub tswv yim ntawm "cov neeg siv khoom xav tau, cov neeg siv kev txaus siab", thiab hais rau lub tswvyim ntawm "kev ncaj ncees, kev ntseeg siab, kev mob siab rau thiab kev tsim kho tshiab".Thaum ua haujlwm zoo hauv cov khoom lag luam zoo, tsim kom muaj kev lag luam zoo, kom lub tuam txhab muaj kev sib koom ua ke, kev ua tiav, kev kawm thiab kev muaj tswv yim.
Lub tuam txhab muaj ob lub npe, "Zaihui" thiab "Yushun", muaj 28 lub khw muag khoom ncaj qha thiab ntau tshaj 500 qhov chaw muag khoom hauv Suav teb.Lub tuam txhab tau ua tiav cov npe zoo xws li "Tuam Tshoj Famous Brand", "National High-tech Enterprise", "Guangdong Brand Product", "Famous Brand Product in Chinese Market", "National Excellent Quality and Key Promotion of Building Materials". thiab lwm yam.
Peb zoo siab txais tos cov tub lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws los sib tham thiab tshuaj xyuas, thiab ua siab dawb tsim lub neej yav tom ntej nrog koj.